Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why so many Gods?

Being a Hindu is little complicated, as you have your own set of questions on mind while trying to comprehend vast scriptures written mostly in Sanskrit that explain Hindu Dharma. It gets complicated further as there are few questions asked that we struggle to explain. One such FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) is "Why do we have so many Gods in Hinduism?". It looks like a difficult question to answer and needs reference to many scriptures, excuse me for making an attempt using my intuition instead.

Lets compare the whole concept and working mechanism of God to a leading bank like SBI. Now if this system is looked at as a single entity then it is called Paramatma - concept defined by Vedas. We don't expect to find only one person we see in news ie., chairman of SBI present in each of its branches we walk in. What we expect is a set of sub-functions with defined areas of responsibilities delivering the task that SBI is expected to perform. In similar fashion we have different sub-functions like creation being performed by Lord Brahma, sustenance performed by Lord Vishnu and destruction performed by Lord Shiva.

Now a followup question asked is "Is it not confusing us if we have so many Gods to worship?" Actually it is not. Like in previous example, which ever branch we walk-in, we are essentially doing banking with SBI. So which ever God we offer prayer to is being referred to same Paramatma. In a family set up it self, one kid has more affinity to mother, one kid has affinity to father. So the kid with affinity towards mother can happily pray Goddess Sakti in various forms like Durga. The kid with affinity towards father can identify God with Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva. In any case the sincerity in worship is all that matters. So my view is as opposed to complicating things, it's really giving flexibility in worship.

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