Sunday, January 4, 2015

ज्ञानं परमं बलम् -- Knowledge is Power Supreme

This is what we were told in college right from day1 as the motto of the University. Few students like me didn't understand the meaning of it then. As time progressed and we struggled through the life's ordeals, that is when we realized what it meant and the importance of knowledge in life.

Knowledge is multi fold and influences us in many ways in our day to day lives. Its not just the books that impart knowledge but major source for most people is through cognitive learning that life imparts.

Parents and Elders: Mother forms first source of knowledge for any kid. She starts teaching him/her language and pronunciation. She starts teaching the kid the good manners that are perceived acceptable in the contemporary society. Father supplements the knowledge imparted by mother with any additional learning needed before and while schooling. Also few elders like Grand Parents do their bit in inculcating good manners as well as teaching few verses/stories during childhood.

Teachers: Teachers/Gurus at various levels play a major role in imparting mammoth portion of knowledge to an individual by the time he/she graduates. The knowledge imparted varies from person to person depending on the choice of courses and level of grasping he/she possesses. Most times its this knowledge that comes handy in earning bread and butter for rest of life.

Friends: Friends at each level play a vital role in proper utilization one's energies in right direction. A person who made friendship with incorrect set of folks might set his foot in wrong direction thus wasting life's endeavours. On the other hand person who connects with right group might finish at a higher level than his innate state.

Books: This is for folks who love reading. Books serve as major source of knowledge during years of education. Capsules of knowledge packaged into syllabus will prepare an individual to continuous knowledge acquisition. Books keep serving a person with knowledge post-college era, if one is willing to pay attention to them.

Media and News: Media like TV , movies, internet, newspapers also keep feeding an individual with small packets of information. Unlike other modes of knowledge, this feed has to be assimilated and translated into knowledge by the individual on his own. Primary problem with this information is that it can be clubbed with lot of garbage and needs some mining to separate good from bad.

Experiences: Even though it is not a medium, mistakes one commits in life teach a person a lot more than success stories. Beauty of this is that lesson learnt hard way is difficult to forget in life. Also person grasps a lot of things by sheer observation of other individuals, situations and by personal reflection of them.

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