Sunday, January 12, 2014

Management Traits

I cannot call myself an expert at Management training but having performed that role for few years now, I wanted to document few observations that form integral part of job role

1. Risk Planning:
Preparedness for uncertainties and managing them effectively with out impact to bottomline forms primary expectation from any manager. As part of risk plan, a manager is expected to think of all possible things that could go wrong and identify solutions to avoid or mitigate the impact. In few circumstances the solution can also be acceptance of the risk and adequate communication to stake holders about the risk.

2. Conservatism:
Conservatism forms another important aspect whether it comes to accommodating buffer time/budget or ensuring adequate backups are present for each resource.

3. Relationships:
Working relationships are a must for any person not just for a manager. But managers need also have to have a technique for building and using these relationships to his advantage to meet the bottomline.
Cordial relations with the subordinates, bosses and peer group is going to be advantageous. But need to be wary of the fact that too much of lenience given to subordinates can come in the way of work. Too much of lenience taken from boss can be subject to boss's anger. Also informal/social relationships outside the project/work hierarchy can also be useful in the long run.

4. Result Orientation:
At every stage in the project situation, manager should ensure not to lose sight of the goal/result. It is the responsibility of the manager to work any hurdles in the way to ensure the desired results are achieved.

5. Conflict Resolution:
Conflicts are quite possible in day-to-day workings and some occasions these conflicts can hinder the progress. Manager should ensure the conflicts are resolved amicably in the first place to ensure results are not compromised. In the event of difficulty in amicable settlement, manager is expected to use the authority vested with his role in solving them.

6. Emotional Intelligence:
No denying, managers are also after all humans and are subject to emotional tussles at times. But it is expected that a manager, instead of getting carried away by emotions, must control them and put them to effective use in the delivery of project.

7. Adherence to set policies and procedures:
Managers must respect and adhere to the organizational policies. There might be instances where the personal opinion of a set policy might be negative but that must not lead to non adherence.

8. Ethics:
Last but not the least. manager must abide by the ethical standards and conduct himself as a  role model. This could include things like doing no favors basis personal relationships, not using authority to undermine or harass some one, no misappropriation of funds that are in his spend authority.


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