It is my firm belief that like the way fire brings firmness in metal like iron and glitters to metals like gold, problems that an individual goes thru makes his true self. A person who hardly encounters problems in life may be good but his exposure to difficulties life presents him/her, can make/show him as better and matured individual. I am not trying to suggest a thumb rule here that every individual presented with subtle difficulties of life will become better. Only that, when presented
with problems, real worth of an individual comes out. Let me try to illustrate that by categorizing person's response to problems into three ways.
First category of individuals, who when presented with problems. lose self belief and succumb to the problems. Some people in this category lead a defeated life and repent every moment of their journey. Others who could be the extreme, may resort to suicide.
The Second category of individuals, deal with the problems and seem victorious. But with a single intent of prevailing over problems they compromise on ethics/morals. And they defend everything they have done blaming on the circumstances. They pretend and try to convince others that they had no choice, while in reality they had choice but they chose easier option. In the end in scale of virtues they lose and their craving for pity and respect from people of highest ethical standard will go in
Final category of individuals who can't be merely measured by heights they scale up in material terms, but they are definitely successful in moral terms. They don't give up their ethics, come what may. They are cognizant of the fact that there are shortcuts that can ease their lives, but they are never tempted to take them. They pursue the values defined with unperturbed devotion and abide by them in spirit and practice. It is beyond doubt that these individuals get applauded and respected by people
of similar category irrespective of their social status and wealth. They would be respected by people of above two categories as well, if they think more openly. Else they sometimes can be perceived as losers by people who prefer shortcuts. How ever like it takes a good goldsmith to assess purity of gold, it takes a person who understands values in life to understand their true worth.
with problems, real worth of an individual comes out. Let me try to illustrate that by categorizing person's response to problems into three ways.
First category of individuals, who when presented with problems. lose self belief and succumb to the problems. Some people in this category lead a defeated life and repent every moment of their journey. Others who could be the extreme, may resort to suicide.
The Second category of individuals, deal with the problems and seem victorious. But with a single intent of prevailing over problems they compromise on ethics/morals. And they defend everything they have done blaming on the circumstances. They pretend and try to convince others that they had no choice, while in reality they had choice but they chose easier option. In the end in scale of virtues they lose and their craving for pity and respect from people of highest ethical standard will go in
Final category of individuals who can't be merely measured by heights they scale up in material terms, but they are definitely successful in moral terms. They don't give up their ethics, come what may. They are cognizant of the fact that there are shortcuts that can ease their lives, but they are never tempted to take them. They pursue the values defined with unperturbed devotion and abide by them in spirit and practice. It is beyond doubt that these individuals get applauded and respected by people
of similar category irrespective of their social status and wealth. They would be respected by people of above two categories as well, if they think more openly. Else they sometimes can be perceived as losers by people who prefer shortcuts. How ever like it takes a good goldsmith to assess purity of gold, it takes a person who understands values in life to understand their true worth.